6 Signs You Might be Addicted to Tattoos

I'm addicted to tattoos

Everyone goes through stages in their life when they have something they just can’t stop doing. In college it’s often parties and fun, for office workers it’s those Sunday brunches with the girls or drinks with the guys watching football. Everyone has things that you just can’t help yourself from doing but can you really be addicted to tattoos?

Everything is Tattoo Related

Your background is tattoos, your phone has a tattoo case, you watch tattoo shows at home, and you probably spend a lot of time looking at and fantasizing about your next tattoos. If you’ve got tattoo clothes, and you’re best friends with your tattoo artist (who you probably see often even if you’re not getting tattooed) then you may have a tattoo problem.

You’re in the Tattoo Shop Often

Whether you’re getting tattooed, stopping by to talk about your tattoo, just dropping off a gift, or hanging out for a bit to kill time. You spend almost as much time in the tattoo studio as your tattoo artist does. The tattoo shop is like your second home and you feel comfortable there, you may have napped on the couch once or twice or even answered the phone when everyone was busy.

You’re covered in Tattoos

This is probably a no-brainer but if you’re obsessed with tattoos you’ve probably got more than one on your skin, maybe a sleeve or more, and you’re nowhere close to done. You’ve planned the next ten tattoos or at the very least made your next appointment to get “whatever” (and by that it’s whatever your artist comes up with, you don’t mind you just want another tattoo). You’ve probably got a pinterest board or folders of ideas just waiting to show your artist.

You Know Everything About Tattoos

You’ve got all sorts of cool knowledge you’ve picked up. Whether it’s the fact that the Apple watch doesn’t like to work on tattooed skin, whether it’s knowing that tattooed skin produces more salt in the swear, or whether it’s just knowing what percentage of the population has tattoos. You’re a wealth of knowledge about styles, placement, and might as well be a tattoo artist except you’re not the artistic type.

You’re Asked For Opinion

If your friends are getting tattooed it’s likely that they’re asking you whether the placement is right before their tattoo artist. As the go-to person for tattoo info your friends want to know what you think because you know more than they do about the process.

You’re a Collector

There’s a difference between enthusiast and collector. Collectors make it part of their life’s purpose to get tattooed by certain artists or as many artists as possible. They strive to be as fully covered as possible so that they can appreciate each inking for it’s unique time and experience. Collectors often end up as lifelong friends with their artist and become a personal canvas of sorts, showing the artists journey as they grow with their craft.

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