Top Ten Tattoo Instagram Accounts to Follow NOW

sasha unisex, tattoo, tattoo artist, watercolour, watercolor, watercolor tattoo, artist, flamingo, art deco, kitsch,

A photo posted by Sasha Unisex (@sashaunisex) on

There are so many amazing tattooists out there it’s hard to know where to start! Well, you’re in luck. Here are ten of our absolute favourites from watercolor tattooists, traditional style studios to traditional stick and poke.


Sasha Unisex is renowned for her watercolor veering onto art deco tattoo style. It’s so unique that while artists try again and again to copy it they just can’t grasp the technique. If you can’t go all the way to Russia, you can at least stalk her gorgeous work on Instagram @Sashaunisex.


The Smith Street Tattoo Parlour has everything to offer you if you’re a lover of traditional tattoo style like we are! Just check out all the deep, classic designs!

A photo posted by Doctor Woo (@_dr_woo_) on


Dr Woo is a tattoo artist who is well known for his detailed, grayscale designs on celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Drake and Cara Delevinge. I honestly can’t believe how detailed his designs are!

A photo posted by Chaim Machlev (@dotstolines) on


This German tattooist, Chaim Machlev, uses majorly dots and lines to create amazing geometric designs. From chest pieces and sleeves to pieces that look like ribbons streaming down the entire body.


Whether you’d like a dark 1920’s traditional portrait on your body or not, Emily Rose Murray based in Melbourne, Australia is definitely one to follow for tattoo inspiration!

A photo posted by Tea (@tealeigh) on


Can you believe stick and poke tattoos could look so good? Well, they can! Tea Leigh uses a needle to poke ink into the skin that takes much more precision and patience. Just check out Tealeigh on Instagram for beautifully done stick and pokes from kittens to simple landscapes.

A photo posted by @suflanda on


Black on black? Surrealist images? Gorgeous linework? Yes, yes and yes! German tattooist Susanne Konig has everything you need to bring your nightmares to reality.


Sarah Gaugler is a NYC tattooist who uses vegan ink to create hyper-detailed tiny pieces!

A photo posted by Kamil Czapiga (@kamilczapiga) on


Kamil Czapiga’s pointillism and dot work is incredible to look at! It’s hard to imagine all the short strokes that went into blending together images that look incredibly like Batman and animal faces.

A photo posted by peteraurisch (@peteraurisch) on


For the painters out there, maybe Peter Aurisch is what you’re craving. Check out his unique abstract Picasso and Cubist-inspired designs filled with lots of detailed shading, heavy black and splashes of bright color.

Did we miss any of your favourite artists? Let us know so we can add them to our next list!

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