Author: Debi Sanders

7 Crazy Tattoo Laws

7 Crazy Tattoo Laws You Never Knew

While we live in the western world we take certain freedoms for granted. Like being able to get tattooed, or to simply walk into a tattoo parlor. While it's a given that some regulations are obvious (…

Temporary Tattoos

Two Week Tattoos

There's been a lot of debate about “temporary” ink. While we've all seen the cheesy stick on tattoos that last a few days the border between permanent and temporary is starting to blur. Many companies…

Soul Tattoos

What is a “Soul Tattoo”

Many people feel tattoos should have meaning while others think there's no need for significance as long as the wearer likes it. Beyond the ancient process of tattooing the design itself can be a sign…

Popular Tattoos for Girls

Basic Bitch Tattoos

Every artist has a list of tattoos they hate. The fads, the one that X superstar has, the one that 10 other girls will come in and ask for in the next 3 days. Some tattoos have become somewhat infamou…