Justin Bieber's Impressive Ink collection

Tattoos Ink on Justin Bieber

Thanks to the large stomach piece he got recently Justin now has over 50 impressive tattoos. In fact, he almost has 60, and while he admits that the entire process is uncomfortable he shares so many shirtless pictures that it’s obviously worth it. Much of his ink centers around his experiences in life and milestones he has experienced. This latest round of ink, to cover up his large “Son of God” stomach piece has been a sort of re-birth for the star who felt he needed to go back to who he used to be before the bad boy image surfaced.

Tiny Cross Below the Left Eye

Justin has a lot of facial tattoos and this represents his journey to find God and purpose.

Beckham Wings on Neck

This almost copy of footballer David Beckham’s wings on his neck were one of his first “controversial” and visible pieces of ink.

“Patience” on Neck

This was apparently in relation to his turbulent dating of Selena Gomez.

Anchor Below Right Ear

Not much is said about this piece, it’s inconspicuous and generally ignored.

Treble Clef

Rather an obvious choice for a musician. This is hidden behind his left ear. He also has a boombox on his right arm and stars for his pop star status.

Karla @xkarla

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Logo of the Stratford Cullitons

As a proud Canadian it’s not suprising that there’s an homage to a hockey team. This is for his grandfather who took him to games every Friday night growing up.

Psalm 119:105 on Right Shoulder

Another homage to his path to god. The exact words are “Your world is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path”.

Large Chest Cross

At the time this piece was done Justin was dealing with criminal court cases and a bad reputation. It was before he found religion and considered to be an attempt to improve his image.

1975 in Roman Numerals

On his left collarbone this commemmorates the year his mother was born, closest to his heart. He also has a portrait style eye of his mother’s on the inner left elbow so she’s “always watching him”.

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Crown on Right Collarbone

Directly opposite is a crown for the “king of pop” Michael Jackson, one of Beiber’s idols and biggest influences.


Across the top of his navel this is the name of his fourth album, the tattoo revealed just before the release as a teaser. He also has “believe” the title of his third album on his arm.

Seagull on left hip

This was his first tattoo done when Justin was just a young 16. It’s a family tattoo which he shares with several other men in his family for the Richard Bach novella of Jonathan Livingston Seagull about a seagull who wanted to be more than he was.


Right Hip tattoo. The meaning of this is debated, possibly relating to his self forgiveness for his past or for God doing the same.

Yeshua on Left Ribs

This Hebrew tattoo is shared with him and his father as both got matching tattooed during a tour in Israel.

Old School Tiger Head left arm

It’s to celebrate his wild side apparently and is the only traditional style tattoo he has.


Just has two eagles now, one on his left shoulder and one on his stomach. The stomach one is a large cover up with very dark wings. Many of Justin’s tattoos are of wings, angels, or birds and the thought is that it’s about his desire to soar above which goes back to that seagull tattoo.

Koi fish and Scales

Just is not only a Pisces but he also loves Asian culture so he has several tattoos with Korean designs and Asian style. These relate to his love of the culture as well as his star sign.

That’s not even HALF! The majority of his work relates to people he idolizes and things that inspire him, a great role model for anyone who is trying to decide exactly what they want on their own skin.

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