Should I Get a Freckle Tattoo? Pros and Cons!

Freckle Tattoos

Fake beauty marks are nothing new. Back in the 18th century women (and men) would use small velvet patches to create fake spots on their face for fashion. While most of us would laugh at putting more spots on our skin, freckle tattoos are considered to be cute and fashionable right now. You’re not weird or a freak for having freckles and while most people grow out of them, the fashion industry has been embracing them as a way to appear younger.

The Freckle Tattoos Process

Freckle tattoos are just like any other tattoo, they just happen to be a little less obvious. The process involves the same equipment as normal tattooing unless you’re getting them done by a cosmetician. The skin on your face is no different than that anywhere else and there’s still a risk of scarring. Your skin will likely be red or swollen for a few days after. You will want to take a day or two off until this goes down, and you won’t be able to wear makeup over the area while it heals at all. Since the face also gets a lot of sun and UV they will also fade over time making them somewhat temporary within a few years.

@mmsouthern ・・・ Defined her natural freckle pattern #freckletattoo #permanentmakeup #mmsouthern #mosouthern

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Will They Look Natural?

Most people who get freckle tattoos either have none at all or they’re enhancing those they have. Tattooed freckles tend to be darker than natural pigmentation so it can make them more pronounced. The biggest issue is that it often doesn’t look very natural. Freckles usually don’t come in uniformed sized, circular spots. Tattooing freckles which are more than just black beauty marks is a new thing, and many artists have never done such a thing before. You’ll see plenty of people who end up looking like a Raggedy Ann cartoon character because their artist did not create natural looking freckles at all.

This is one of the reasons it’s often better to go to an artist who specializes, or at least offers, cosmetic tattooing. Cosmetic tattooing differs from traditional methods in that they often do the tattoo by hand or with a more gentle machine. The ink/pigments aren’t much different in composition but come in a variety of skin and natural colors. This means they’re more likely to have an array of tones which match the natural color of freckles rather than just a single brown tone that they have to mix which may or may not come out natural looking on your skin.

My Freckle Tattoo Experience

I have a freckle tattoo, but it’s not on my face. Years ago I realized I had the constellation of Orion on my forearm, bow and all, it was just missing one “star” on the belt. So I added it. You can’t tell it isn’t natural because it’s just a small, brown, and now slightly fuzzed with age, spot. It was exactly what I wanted because now I have the full constellation. What this means is that not all freckle tattoos are on the face, and some you may never notice.

So would you get a freckle tattoo? It seems like a fashion fad, and unlikely to last long, but since it’s not very noticeable even when the fad is over you likely won’t have to worry about it.

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